Building You Team To build A Successful Business

business businessowner overwhelm sme team Feb 18, 2024
business overwhelm

One of the common challenges I see working with clients for the first time is their desire to do too many things within their business.

Certainly, at the start, this can make sense as the income may still need to be generated to support paying staff. Sometimes, there needs to be more confidence in making the business work well enough to justify paying staff salaries. Cashflow may also be tight, and the order book may need to be more full.

So, how do you overcome this as a new business owner? For me, the most important thing is mindset. You must decide whether you will grow a business or create an income. If you're going to grow a business, then you're going to need a team to help you build it.

If you're concerned with an income, then you can do that yourself.

The key thing is to be clear at the start and devise your plan accordingly. If you're looking to build a business, you'll need to figure out what positions to fill to help you build a solid growth platform.

When building your team, it's important to be aware you don't have to pay the people who fill these positions directly right at the start. When I talk to clients about their team, I explain that I class their team as anyone with direct input into their business's day-to-day running, whether they employ them or not.

For example, my admin and social media teams aren't on my books but are very much part of my team. I buy a certain amount of hours each month, they invoice me and do the work they are better than me at for my business.
Don't let the worry of building a team worry you when growing your business. In fact, you can only build a business by building a team. Just have a plan of how you're going to develop your lifestyle by building your team to help you run your business.

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